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Applied Mathematics |Прикладная математика



There is no consensus of what the various branches of applied mathematics are. Such categorizations are made difficult by the way mathematics and science change over time, and also by the way universities organize departments, courses, and degrees.

Historically, applied mathematics consists of differential equations, approximation theory (broadly construed, to include representations, asymptotic methods, variational methods, and numerical analysis), principally of applied analysis, most notably applied probability. These areas of mathematics were intimately tied to the development of Newtonian Physics, and in fact the distinction between mathematicians and physicists was not sharply drawn before the mid-19th century. This history left a legacy as well; until the early 20th century subjects such as classical mechanics were often taught in applied mathematics departments at American universities rather than in physics departments, and fluid mechanics may still be taught in applied mathematics departments.

Today, the term applied mathematics is used in a broader sense. It includes the classical areas above, as well as other areas that have become increasingly important in applications. Even fields such as number theory that are part of pure mathematics are now important in applications (such as cryptology), though they are not generally considered to be part of the field of applied mathematics  Sometimes the term applicable mathematics is used to distinguish between the traditional field of applied mathematics and the many more areas of mathematics that are applicable to real-world problems.

Mathematicians distinguish between applied mathematics, which is concerned with mathematical methods, and applications of mathematics within science and engineering. A biologist using a population model and applying known mathematics would not be doing applied mathematics, but rather using it. However, nonmathematicians do not usually draw this distinction.

The line between applied mathematics and specific areas of application is often blurred. Many universities teach mathematical and statistical courses outside of the respective departments, in departments and areas including business and economics, engineering, physics, psychology, biology, computer science, and mathematical physics. Sometimes this is due to these areas having their own specialized mathematical dialects. Often this is the result of efforts of those departments to gain more student credit hours and the funds that go with them.


1. Match the left part with the right:           

1) There is no consensus of what

a) have become increasingly important in applications.

2) It includes the classical areas above, as well as other areas that

b) and the many more areas of mathematics that are applicable to real-world problems.


3) Sometimes the term applicable mathematics is used to distinguish between the traditional field of applied mathematics

c) specific areas of application is often blurred.

4) The line between applied mathematics and

d) the various branches of applied mathematics are.


2. Complete the sentences with the suggested words: methods, engineering, nonmathematicians, distinguish

    Mathematicians _________________between applied mathematics, which is concerned with mathematical_____________, and applications of mathematics within science and___________.  A biologist using a population model and applying known mathematics would not be doing applied mathematics, but rather using it. However__________________ do not usually draw this distinction.